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DSIC ChangXing yard"Love for seafarers, build a dream voyage" The 12th World Seafarers&


  On June 24, DSICChangXing yard organized an event with the theme of "Love for seafarers, build a dream voyage", aiming to celebrate the 12th"World Seafarers' Day" coming on June 25, as a tribute to the outstanding contribution of seafarers to international maritime trade and economic development.


  During the event, a dinner was held with the crew and a celebration cake was prepared for the crew of each ship project. The theme of World Seafarers' Day 2022 focused on the seafarers' voyage, and under the preside of Huang Dao Xian from “Annaki“, the crew members shared their interesting/thrilling voyage experiences,the atmosphere of the event was very happy.


  The ship bear with the heavy responsibility of transportation is supported and maintained by millions of seafarers, but the modern society knows very few about seafarers. On the occasion of World Seafarers' Day, the whole society pays more attention to seafarers, respects their profession, makes seafarers work and live more decently and confidently, and spreads the positive seafaring culture.


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Add:No.299,Guanghai Road,Changxingdao Economic Zone,Dalian,China(39°30'13 "N, 121°24'7" E)